Press Release

Blood Donation Camp

Bahria Town Rawalpindi Hosted Life-Saving Blood Donation Camp at New Head Office

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Rawalpindi – Demonstrating its unwavering commitment to community welfare, Bahria Town Rawalpindi proudly announced the organization of a blood donation camp at its new head office. This event, aimed at saving lives and fostering a spirit of solidarity, underscored Bahria Town’s dedication to social responsibility and public health.

The blood donation camp was held on May 16, 2024, providing an invaluable opportunity for employees, residents, and community members to contribute to a noble cause. By partnering with reputable healthcare institutions, Bahria Town ensured that the donated blood would reach those in critical need, making a significant impact on the lives of patients across the region.

“We were deeply committed to giving back to our community,” said a Bahria Town Representative. “This blood donation camp was a reflection of our values and our ongoing efforts to support public health initiatives. We encouraged everyone to participate and help save lives.”

The event was well-organized and safe, adhering to all health and safety protocols to ensure the well-being of donors. Professional medical staff were on-site to oversee the donation process, providing a secure and comfortable environment for all participants.

“Blood donation is a vital act of service that can make a real difference,” stated one of the blood donors. “We were grateful to Bahria Town for hosting this event and facilitating a platform for community members to come together for such a meaningful cause.”

This initiative aligned with Bahria Town’s broader mission to enhance the quality of life for its residents and contribute positively to society. As part of its extensive community outreach programs, the blood donation camp was one of many efforts to foster a caring and compassionate community spirit.